Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rachel Bilson Demonstrates Dior for the Younger Set

I know that there are many of you out there who believe that Rachel Bilson can do no style wrong. And while I am a cautious fan of her look, I do actually think she has had more misses than hits recently. But then she goes and does this. Pulling a couture runway look out at a video gamers collective, of all places. And hits a home run. This is great from hair to nude foot.
And this is Dior. Dior has a reputation for being red carpet appropriate, dazzling spectacular pieces, and, well, older. But this dress, even with the addition of the flesh lining, is youthful, beautiful and totally event-appropriate. Even if that event was the Spike TV 2010 Video Game awards. Although, what was RB doing there, surely one needs to ask?
PS: She did actually also wear this same look to the William Rast for Target shopping launch earlier in the evening, just in case you feel like I may have got the event wrong. But I am less confused by her attendance at that one.


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