Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SA Fashion Week: Silver Spoon

So the pick of the young 'uns is no doubt this label out of PE, Silver Spoon. Lovely crafted trend pieces, an eye for how to style these for a local audience and high levels of enthusiasm and commitment make this a name to watch out for. Very well played.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

SA Fashion Week: Superella

Designer Ella Buter once again charmed the pants off me. Or rather, onto me as I will be investing in a piece or two from this summer collection. Circus entertainers, freaks and geeks were her models and muses and it worked with spectacular style. In CT you should be able to get yourself some 'Ella at either Mungo and Jemima or online at

Jennifer Aniston - Filming Just Go With It

Jennifer Aniston will play in Just Go With It as Palmer..
Jennifer AnistonJust Go With It, originally titled Pretend Wife, is an upcoming 2011 romantic comedy film starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston.

Allan Loeb and Timothy Dowling wrote the script and Dennis Dugan, who has collaborated with Sandler on most of his films, will direct. The film will be produced under Sandler's production company Happy Madison and will be distributed by Columbia Pictures.

It will be shot between Los Angeles and Hawaii on the islands of Maui and Kauai and filming commenced on March 2, 2010 for a release date of February 11, 2011.

Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston On Location

Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston filming their new movie 'Just Go With It' on Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, California. U.S.A.

Both are the best

Yay.. cant wait for this to come out.. anything with them in it willbe amazing!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

SA Fashion Week: Terrence Bray

As a result of the minute weirdness of life, this was the first time that I saw Terrence Bray present a collection. And what good timing it was. Just as I was about to give up hope for some sophisticated, intelligently constructed fashion with personal narrative and power, along this came.
A beach safari with some Riveria panache and subtle detailing. I like.

SA Fashion Week: Darkie

In the spirit of focusing on the positive, I will share my highlights of SA Fashion Week with you in the next few days. Every so often a smile was put on my face, not least of all by local CT label, Darkie. It was the last show I saw, and I loved it.
Showing real maturation and development, humour, total understanding of the target market and with a strong point of view, I was entranced. And happy.
Thanks guys.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Blog

Yes, it is this blog's second birthday today and all I want to say this year is THANK YOU. Here's to another good couple of years of style. SG x

David West is Catholic Sexy

Even before I read the press release that states that this collection is for people who listen to the Cocteau Twins, I knew that this was right up my alley, as they say. Conservative sexy, hinted at erotisism, quirky attraction - these are the defining qualities of this collection of lovely basics in black, red, grey and white.
And so I started my David West collection with a dress that I will be wearing to SA Fashion week. Here it is. Happy.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Woolworths Online Love

Rushed into Woolies at the Waterfront last night, ostensibly to get food for dinner that I was hosting in less than an hour. Got somewhat waylaid by the fast selling-out winter essentials. Managed to snap up a pair of skinny black jeans, studded pumps, a Rick Owens-esque bomber jacket and a few other bits. Quite a winning selection of winter basics, I must say.
So I was looking for pics of these items online this morning, went off to the WW site, and blow me down with a feather if I didn't see my own work right there on the screen.
I write some fashion advice and trend stuff for Woolies World Magazine as well as doing all the styling. And now they are taking this online so you all can share in this. Yay. Go and check it out by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friends With Jenny Open Day - Cape Town

A new collection sale worth checking out if you can. Just click on the picture if you want to see it real size.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Seemaa

One of my real people for the May issue of O, is Seemaa. She is a rookie photographer and has a sweet, innovative personal style.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

O Magazine, April 2010: Real People

It's that time of the month, people. Yes, time to go and buy the latest edition of O Magazine. And let me tell you, even I read this one cover to cover. For any of you who like lists, this is a goodie.
Aside from that there is a fashion story on the new style of tailoring that is super pretty. And this real people shoot that we did with the vivacious Talia Sanhewe from CNBC Africa. She rocks modern classics. And tells us all about her grunge phase.
Go and get yours before they all sell out.

Photographer: Anthony Friend
Makeup: Luciano dos Santos
Shorts and shoes from Woolworths, top from Iracema Boutique.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Real People

I am rushing off this morning to shoot my next real people fashion story for O Mag. It will be for the June issue of the mag. But here is some of what happened last month when we were shooting a leggings story with real people for the May issue.
And while we are chatting about issues - go and get the April issue that hits stands this week. It is a goodie. Not just the fashion either.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Date to Diarise: Rarely Worn Sale

Do it now: 25th March 2010. Go on. Write it down or type it in or whatever voice activated command you are running - just do it. From 4pm onward at The Gallery in Bree Street in CT. You can go any buy beautiful designer clothing previously worn once or twice by the beautiful people of Cape Town.
Well, and me. They kindly allowed me to include a few pieces because I have a few unworn items in my wardrobe from London and I am, you know, more generously sized than the beautiful people.
So, no excuses, go shop up a storm.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Vintage Blouse

Even when you are in your cute little shorts, you can bring a feminine sensibility to it by adding an ancient white linen blouse. Worn with years of washing and trimmed in lace, you really don't get prettier.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pale Denim

Being as ancient as I am, I was around for the first bout of washed out denim and so I have been a iffy about its slow return over the past couple of seasons. And then I saw these - paired as they were with a gentle nude silk blouse and gold gladiators - and now you can mark me down as a fan. I am so easy that way.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Assistant's Assistant

Sometimes I work poor old Luisa so hard that even she has to have some assistance. And so begets the assistant's assistant. This month it is the lovely Miranda that is helping us out.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Makeup

Just have a look at this gorgeous makeup job Sylvie is doing on Akoul - particularly lips and yellow nails! Yummy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Sylvie, Luisa and Akoul

Many of you will know the irrepressible talents of Ms Sylvie. I have been lucky enough to have such madness in my life since the late 80s. And a few weeks ago I unleashed her on an O main fashion shoot where she made everyone beautiful, better and bonny. Good times.
(That would of course be Ms Sylvie Hurford (L'Oreal Paris) as we are now to refer to her highness.)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dresses Online -

So I must confess that, after a bit of a hiatus, I have managed to buy six new dresses in a week. Look. It's been so damn hot and all the stores are selling the winter dream and I am no match for that.
Anyhoo. I thought that I would share one of them with you. It's a super comfy and flattering Michelle Ludek dress that is available to everyone online. I love shopping online. No need for going outside - it can all be done from the comfort of your desk and then delivered to you. I have yet to find a better option.
If you want to get on this ride, just go to
PS: I also bought that charcoal wrap/waterfall cardigan too. Just because.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cindy - The Summit

One of the most creative and beautiful stands in the Emerging Creatives section of Design Indaba last week was The Summit. A range of men's accessories including gorgeous leather belts, wallets and bags, beautifully presented by creative director Cindy Poole.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

SR Tigrapilot 1981

Opel Tigra A showroom desde AlemaniaLlantas Borbet BSInteriores

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Face of Carducci Women Competition

Do you want to be the face of an iconic local women's fashion brand?
Carducci Woman, a brand of modern sophistication, has just launched The Face of Carducci Woman Competition. Designed to become an annual event, this competition is set to uncover the woman who represents the spirit and the dynamism of the brand.
This is not a simple undertaking as the Face of Carducci is NOT FAMOUS NOR IS SHE A MODEL. According to Francois Rall, head designer at Carducci Woman she is a woman who represents our significant realities. “I don’t design around a fantasy; I design for a real woman, one who juggles modern life, travels between world cities brokering deals and still have families to care for. These are the women that inspire me; the women I relate to, these are the women I design for.” With this ethos it is clear that a simple casting will not suffice to uncover this special breed and so they have embarked on a nationwide search.
The competition is being run online at and its progress can be followed on Facebook. The criteria for entry are simple:
- Individuals need to be older than 24
- They must not be represented by a model or casting agency
- They must fill out the entry form online accompanied by a head and shoulder, profile and full length picture
- They must be submitted before the 6 April 2010
Go one, enter now! I know that there are plenty of real women amoung my readers so lets see one of you win!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stiaan Louw at Design Indaba

I referred to this collection yesterday as a subtle whisper. I didn't mention the elegance and the complex construction - so perfectly finished. Nor the new sophistication without losing the edgy relevance. All you need to do is note the shoulders, the collars, the shirt details. And then you will know.
And really, how cool are those track-trouser hybrids?
My time for gushing about Stiaan is past. Instead, here is the evidence for you to see for yourself. Enough said. For now.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CTFC Meeting Style

Took some snaps of some of the fashion folks who attended the Cape Town Fashion Council meeting at the CTICC last week. There are small moments of pure style in here.