Monday, August 31, 2009

SR Silver-Flash

Ensamblado en Zaragoza y circulando en Alemania :)

Opel Tigra Crash Test VIDEOS

Crash Test Videos del Opel Tigra A

Colores Opel TIGRA A

CATÁLOGO DE COLORES ORIGINALESColores SólidosAmarillo PiñaAzul ArubaColores BrillantesRojo MagmaNegro EbanoColores Metalizados BicapaPlata EstelarAmarillo MostazaVerde KiwiColores Mica BicapaAzul ArdenasAzul PolarVerde CiprésAzul Cerámico

Regulacion de los faros Opel Tigra

Podemos comprobar si llevamos correctamente regulados la altura de los faros delanteros de nuestros Opel Tigra si seguimos este pequeño y práctico tutorial.- Coloque el vehículo sobre una superficie plana contra la pared.- El regulador interior de los focos ajústelo a cero si no lo esta.- Medir la altura (h) entre el suelo y el centro de la óptica.- Busque la altura (h) en la pared trazando una

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SR PinkGloss

Las chicas cuando compran un bolso o unos zapatos piensan en la ropa con la que van a combinarlos. ¿Por qué no buscar un coche que combine con el color de la barra de labios?Opel Tigra A Pink GlossLa propietaria Petra Maier

Prueba del Opel Tigra 1.4 DE

En Mayo de 1996 la revista alemana Opel-Power Magazin probó el Opel Tigra 1.4 16v(clickear sobre las imágenes para leer en el tamaño original)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Film Pumas

Jennifer Aniston Film Pumas
"Jennifer Aniston in Pumas film" Role TBA, Still Pre-Production.

Pumas is a 2011 romantic comedy film directed by Wayne McClammy and starring Jennifer Aniston.

JenniferAniston has signed on to co-star on the CBS Films production and will play a thirty-something gal who, along with a girlfriend of hers, likes to romance younger men. According to the Fandango website, "The plot will apparently follow these two pumas (cougars?) on a French skiing vacation where they'll both meet some romantic challenges." Wayne McClammy is expected to direct.

Wait and See :)

Source: wikipedia celebitchy

Sunday, August 23, 2009

SR Tigra Rules

No Rules, More Fun... Tigra Rules

Thursday, August 20, 2009

SR XX-Trem

Opel Tigra A


Opel Tigra A preparado por SFTPrimeras modificacionesÚltimas modificaciones realizadas

European Tigra Meeting in LE-JOURNAL

El primer encuentro internacional de Opel Tigra (ETM 2009) que tuvo lugar los días 17, 18 y 19 de julio en Le-Creusot, Francia fue cubierto por los periodistas locales y publicado en "Le Journal".FuenteFuente

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SR Asphaltterror

Wide bodykit Opel Tigra A

PSD T-Fresh

Edición realizada con Photoshop sobre el Opel Tigra A by T-Fresh.Opel Tigra originalOpel Tigra retocado

Maqueta Opel Tigra A Cabrio

Existe la maqueta del concept Opel Tigra A Cabrio de EDAG

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jennifer Aniston-The Bounty

Jennifer Aniston-The Bounty
"Jennifer Aniston-The Bounty"

The Bounty is an upcoming film directed by Andy Tennant, starring Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. It's currently in production and is expected to be released in 2009.

Jennifer Aniston-The Bounty... A bounty hunter learns that his next target is his ex-wife..

Director: Andy Tennant
Writer: Sarah Thorp (screenplay)
Genre: Action | Comedy | Romance

Jennifer Aniston's early exercise regime

Jennifer Aniston works out at 3am every day. The 40-year-old actress, who is currently filming 'The Bounty' in New York, wants to keep in shape despite her hectic schedule so gets up in the middle of the night to exercise. A source said: "Jennifer has had a totally overhaul for this film. She wants to be seriously fit, yet remain curvy. "There are a lot of early starts on set, so she has had to get up at 3am to get two hours in the gym before filming at 5am. She is supposed to be playing a 35 year old, and is concerned she won't look the part now she is 40. "It isn't just for

Butler's Bodyguard Wanted By Police

Gerard Butler's security guard on the set of new movie The Bounty is wanted by police after allegedly vandalising a paparazzo's car.

Bodyguard Chris Tsipouras, assigned to protect Butler while he's filming in New York, has reportedly clashed with snappers several times over the last few weeks as photographers scramble to get a shot of the 300 actor and his co-star - and rumoured girlfriend - Jennifer Aniston.

But tensions reached a high at the weekend when Tsipouras is said to have damaged the paintwork on snapper James Devaney's vehicle while it was parked in the Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn.

Local residents witnessed the alleged crime and reported it to police - and Devaney is pleasantly surprised by the neighbourhood watch.

He tells the New York Post, "I was surprised that the community had my back. They saw a guy going up to my car with a key scraping the side."

Butler and Aniston have continually dismissed reports they are a couple after they were spotted walking along a beach arm-in-arm earlier this summer.

Butler's Dating Disasters

Gerard Butler once tried to impress a girl he was dating by smashing a glass on his head - but ended up bloodied and bruised as his bizarre party trick backfired.

The actor has recently had to fend off a series of reports he's dating his The Bounty co-star Jennifer Aniston and he has also been linked to actress Cameron Diaz.

But his romantic history has been marred with a series of disasters - including a woman who vomited on him and cutting his head open with a glass.

He says, "I've had some terrible dates. I had a girl throw up (vomit) once - I'm from Glasgow, people like to get smashed (drunk).

"I went on another date and I ended up getting so drunk that I smashed a glass on my head as a joke and didn't realise my head was bleeding. Those were my crazy days.

"I also went on a date once and at the end the girl went to the toilet, so I went to the toilet too but when she came out she thought I'd left and went. That was a pretty abrupt end to a date."


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jennifer Aniston = Love Happens

Jennifer Aniston gawker images assets cacheJennifer Aniston image Jennifer Aniston appeared in Love Happens Eloise To be released on September 18, 2009.

Love Happens, formerly known as Brand New Day and Traveling, is an upcoming romantic drama film directed by Brandon Camp and starring Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston . Filming took place in in Vancouver, Canada and Seattle, Washington. Love Happens is set to be released on September 18, 2009. Love Happens is rated PG-13 for "some language including s*xual references" by the MPAA.

Love Happen is About a widower whose book about coping with loss turns him into a best-selling self-help guru. On a business trip to Seattle, he falls for a woman who attends one of his seminars, only to learn that he hasn't yet truly confronted his wife's passing.

Friday, August 7, 2009

SR Addiction

Desde holanda el Opel Tigra Showcar preparado en GG-Art.

SR Lupo

Opel Tigra by LupoX14XE + Lexmaul RAM produciendo 120CV aprox.Cuidados interioresEsferas innoparts con agujas de serieIluminadas

Le paro una farola

Un Opel Tigra se sale de la vía e impacta contra una farola el 12 de abril del 2009 en Budapest.Imágenes tomadas por el cuerpo de bomberos de la ciudad.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tigra Crash Mallory Park

En el circuito británico de Mallory Park tuvo lugar en diciembre del 2008 una jornada de puertas abiertas en las que se pudo fotografiar el accidente de un Opel Tigra.El coche se sale del trazado mucho antes de tomar la curva.El trompo en la escapatoria le hace volcar...Accidente sin consecuenciasRetirándolo de la escapatoriaFuera de pista y valorando los daños...Su final


Más trabajos realizados con Photoshop sobre el Opel Tigra A.Opel Tigra originalOpel Tigra retocado

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SR Javi Mlin Tigra

Opel Tigra realizado por Mlin tuning en el 2006.Sus señas de identidad


Algunos videos del primer European Tigra Meeting celebrado en Le-Creusot, Francia durante los días 17-18-19 de Julio del 2009.Edición especial realizada por Dante38LINKs- European Tigra Meeting 2009- Chateau de la Verrerie (Le-Creusot)- ETM 2009- ETM 2009 Planing

Monday, August 3, 2009

LuxuRush Restyling

Nuevos alisados y nuevas llantas para el impresionante Opel Tigra de LuxuRush. Cleaned Belgium Stylez!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

BRICO Como cambiar cable cuentakilometros Tigra

Cómo cambiar la sirga del cuentakimóletros en un Opel Tigra A (cuentakilómetros mecánico)Sintomas:- Tu cuentakilómetros ha dejado de marcar y los demás marcadores marcan correctamente.- ¿Desde entonces el Tigra se cala a medios-bajos regímenes?Cuando se rompe el cable del cuentakilómetros en los Opel Tigra (X14XE, X16XE) y el tablero no manda a la ECU señal de velocidad el coche pasa a un